Employer engagement – supporting our partners

At Mindful Education, we have a dedicated employer engagement (EE) team who works closely with our college and training provider partners, as well as employers, to help deliver blended learning apprenticeships.
The work carried out by our EE team is split into two main parts:
- Employer Support, where our team actively reaches out to employers in order to generate leads, introduce employers to our professional apprenticeships, and gain more of an insight into the employers’ business needs
- College and Training Provider Support, where our team supports our partners with apprenticeship queries from employers, which in turn helps the college or training provider to grow their apprenticeship provision
Employer Support
Patrick and Dan, our Employer Engagement Executives, focus on reaching out to businesses (both levy and non-levy paying). Their aim is to understand that particular organisation’s business needs, and to explain how professional apprenticeships can fit into their business strategy – whether that is upskilling existing staff, or training new team members.
As Patrick and Dan focus on the employer work, their day-to-day work tends to focus on speaking to employers, scheduling employer meetings and leading on those meetings, and actioning key related tasks.
Another important focus for Patrick and Dan is to support employers and apprentices to the enrolment stage – which means introducing them to the respective college partner that they will be carrying out the apprenticeship with.
If you would like to speak to a member of our team about our employer engagement support, then please email apprenticeships@mindful-education.co.uk.
College and Training Provider Support
The other half of the EE team consists of our Employer Engagement Managers, Sukirat and Badar, who focus on the growth of the apprenticeship provision within our college and training provider partners.
They ensure our partner business development teams have the resources and support to make the most of their conversations with their employers. This can include creating collateral and videos which highlight the key elements of our professional apprenticeships, and the benefits of the blended learning model.
Sukirat and Badar also speak with potential employers and apprentices and refer them to our college partners.
Alongside this work, the entire EE team attends employer and college/training provider focused events throughout the year. Some of these events are also held by our partners who want to do more local outreach and connect with potential employers and apprentices in their area.
If you want to find out more about our professional apprenticeships, please email apprenticeships@mindful-education.co.uk and speak with a member of our team today.