Using edtech to support tutors and boost the learning experience

The use of technology in education has developed significantly in the last decade, with the pandemic acting as a catalyst for the mainstream adoption of technology in learning.
Edtech encompasses a wide range of resources and tools which can be used to deliver training and learning. Ultimately, it offers a fantastic way to adapt and respond to learner needs throughout their studies.
Technology available to tutors
There is a wide range of technology on hand to support tutors, a few notable examples include:
A Virtual Learning Environment (VLE): A VLE platform hosts educational content online, which can be accessed via any internet-connected device. A good platform will host both visual and written content in order to provide a holistic learning experience. There may also be quizzes or short-form questions which can test a learner’s knowledge and serve as an indicator of how much the learner has understood. Many VLE’s provide learner analytics, which show tutors an overview of learner progress, including the outcomes of exercises and quizzes. The analytics allow tutors to provide more tailored classroom sessions as they can see particular topics which learners might be struggling with.
The online classroom: These have gained popularity in recent years – making education even more accessible than before. Learners can now attend lessons virtually and access/submit work directly from their tutors. This helps tutors to stay organised and reduces excessive paperwork. Online classrooms also allow tutors to provide more personalised feedback and assistance to learners more efficiently.
Interactive boards: Interactive boards allow for cross-collaboration between learners and tutors and increase the level of engagement and participation in the classroom. They also allow real-time interaction, giving tutors the opportunity to clarify concepts with their learners instantly.
Edtech will continue to reshape the education field and the ways that tutors can deliver training to their learners. As we continue to navigate 2024, the integration of edtech will continue to support teaching methods, and promises an exciting and more tailored education for all learners.
If you’re interested in how edtech can support you and your team to deliver exceptional outcomes, then please join us at the AAT Training Provider Conference on 15 March, where our team will be on hand to discuss our flexible, blended learning courses and apprenticeships, and the tools which can help support tutors.