TESTIMONIAL – Dr. Prathibha Bachu

Tell us about your experience of working with Mindful Education
It is a wonderful experience working with Mindful Education, it supports the requirements of the learners and tutors, and resources provided by them are of excellent quality – apt for delivering the content in a blended learning mode. Student engagement has increased, our results showcase the positive impact on achievement, and at all of our levels we secured grades above the national average.
What are the benefits to learners of the Online and On Campus blended learning approach?
More than 80% of learners are extremely happy with Mindful Education as they can learn the content at their pace. It provides flexibility and evolves them as independent learners.
How has the Mindful Education team supported you with delivering Online and On Campus courses and apprenticeships?
The Mindful Education team are excellent, they are always available to support tutors – from the start they helped with registration, tutor induction, and tutor analytics, we also have regular catch ups with them. The support is at your doorstep whenever you need them, right from a simple silly question to something very important and highly intellectual.
How do you think the college benefits from working with Mindful Education?
The number of enrolments has gone up as a result of partnership with a blended learning education provider. Hopefully this will grow much more in the future.