Supporting our partners: admissions workshop

Tasmiyah Tarawish Marketing Executive

We are pleased to announce the launch of our updated product awareness workshop, now available to all partner admissions teams. This can be found on the Mindful Education Partner Hub – a free digital one-stop-shop containing a range of useful tools, resources, and documents for our partners.

A screenshot of the Mindful Education Partner Hub, powered by Mindful Educations award-winning Virtual Learning Environment.

The workshop – part of the admissions unit on the Partner Hub – consists of a series of interactive bite-sized videos, aimed to support college admissions teams when delivering information, advice, and guidance (IAG) to potential learners. It also contains a short five-minute quiz to ensure teams are clear on the key points.

Additionally, the admissions unit offers further resources including useful guidance documents and downloadable PDFs to support admissions teams.

A Mindful Education employee presenting in an informative video designed to assists further education college admission teams.

The workshop is designed to highlight the benefits of Online and On Campus courses and apprenticeships and the learner experience – allowing admissions teams to confidently deliver IAG to anyone enquiring about these courses.

A further education college tutor teaching learners content from the Mindful Education, professional accounting course.

As well as the workshops, the Mindful Education marketing team works closely with partner marketing teams, to increase enquiries, applications and enrolments, through paid Google Search campaigns.

The updated workshop will be rolled out in March and will be available to teams on-demand throughout the year, allowing them to refresh their knowledge and make use of the supporting documents, as needed. 

All partners have access to the Partner Hub. If you need support accessing the platform, please contact your usual Mindful Education contact.

If you’re new to Mindful Education, we’d love to hear from you too. You can get in touch via our website

Posted on: 27 February 2025

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