People Professional Apprenticeship - CIPD Level 5

Our flexible, award-winning courses and apprenticeships are perfectly packaged in a blended learning format we call Online and On Campus. So now you can choose how, when and where you want to study.

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Apprenticeship overview

The People Professional apprenticeship will help you gain a deeper understanding of the professional behaviours that lead to organisational success. Learn how to manage relationships, foster talent, guide strategic planning and reward performance.

This qualification is perfect for HR professionals who enjoy developing and managing people. You will expand your knowledge of HR with a combination of core units and specialist areas.

Apprentices will study the CIPD Level 5 Associate Diploma in People Management, which is a mid-level qualification for a career in Human Resources.

This flexible apprenticeship is delivered in partnership with Mindful Education and combines online learning with face-to-face lessons in the classroom.

What will I learn?

The knowledge component of the apprenticeship will be delivered through the CIPD Level 5 Associate Diploma in People Management. This qualification provides a strong foundation to give people professionals the confidence and capabilities to guide their decision-making, actions and behaviours.

Study method

Online lessons can be accessed at any time, using a mobile, tablet or desktop – meaning apprentices can fit their study around work commitments, minimising disruption in the workplace. Each lesson lasts around 45 minutes and is accompanied by animations and motion graphics to bring concepts to life. Exercises, interactive case studies and analytical tools help to enhance the learning experience further. Learners will be expected to dedicate 3-4 hours a week working on VLE-related activities.

On campus, apprentices benefit from face-to-face classes at college (or virtually) with an experienced tutor. A combination of classroom-based lessons, group exercises and discussion encourages apprentices to apply theory to real-life workplace situations.

Units of study

Learners will study two core units, three specialist units and the choice of one optional unit:

Core units:

  • Organisational performance and culture in practice
  • Evidence-based practice

Specialist units:

  • Employment relationship management
  • Talent management and workforce planning
  • Reward for performance and contribution

Optional units:

  • Wellbeing at work

How will I be assessed?

Apprentices must pass the end-point assessment to achieve the apprenticeship certificate. The end-point assessment for the People Professional Apprenticeship includes a professional discussion and portfolio of evidence, and a written test along with completion of Unit 5C003 Professional behaviours and valuing people.

To gain the CIPD Level 5 Associate Diploma in People Management, apprentices will need to complete a CIPD assessment at the end of each unit of study.

Entry requirements

Individual employers will set the selection criteria for their apprentices though most will be expected to hold 5 GCSEs at grade 5 (C) or higher. Prior experience may also be considered. Apprentices should also have achieved qualifications in English and mathematics at a minimum of level 2 or equivalent. Where this is not the case, apprentices must complete these by the end of the apprenticeship.


Successful achievement of the CIPD Level 5 Associate Diploma in People Management will allow progression to higher level CIPD qualifications.

Career opportunities

When you complete the Level 5 Associate Diploma in People Management, you’ll be awarded CIPD Associate Membership, and the designation “Assoc CIPD” after your name. This establishes your credibility as a professional, raises your profile and opens doors to new job opportunities.

Additional information

It is expected that this Apprenticeship will take 18 months to complete. Workshop attendance is one day per month during term time, some sessions may be virtual (this may vary depending on your chosen study centre).

How to apply

If you are considering an apprenticeship, applications can be made via our partner colleges and training providers.

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If you are an employer or a training provider, please email our Employer Engagement team via:

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