A screenshot of the Mindful Education Online and On Campus level 3 law Virtual Learning Environment.

National Association of Licensed Paralegals

NALP is a professional membership body for paralegals, offering recognised and accredited paralegal qualifications and training courses. NALP is the only paralegal membership body that is recognised as an awarding organisation by Ofqual.

Online and On Campus Apprenticeships

Careers in Law

From controversial Brexit and the immigration crisis to the most significant pandemic of modern times – Covid, the law is constantly having to evolve. That’s why there’s never been a better time to start a career in law. Whether you want to be a solicitor, barrister, judge, notary or work in legal administration, the paralegal route is the perfect stepping stone into the legal profession.

The starting salary for paralegals is between £14,000 to £25,000 rising to £55,000 – £70,000 once experience is gained. The starting salary for a trainee solicitor ranges from £22,000 to £55,000 depending on location and law firm. Qualified solicitors can earn in excess of £100,000. *

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Illustration of a hand launching a paper plane from one browser window to another, symbolising sending a message. The receiving browser window features an orange envelope with a blue notification badge