Professional recognition for apprentices to launch in 2024

The Association of Apprentices (AoA) and the Chartered Institution for Further Education (CIFE) have collaborated together to introduce the post-apprenticeship recognition scheme (PARS). The scheme is set to pilot and launch nationally in 2024.
This initiative aims to give apprentices, who have completed their apprenticeship at level 3 or higher, the ability to apply for ‘professional status’ and post-nominal designations. It will also provide apprentices with a chance to gain professional recognition comparable to university graduates with a degree.
Emily Austin, Chief Executive of the Association of Apprentices, praised this new scheme for the potential benefits it will bring for apprentices:
“(It will) make a significant difference to thousands of apprentices as they achieve a level of recognition that will support their progression in work and life.”
Jason Holt, Co-Founder and Vice-Chair of AoA commented that the PARS initiative will be:
“Game-changing for apprenticeships, elevating the recognition and value of vocational education and raising parity of esteem with other learning routes.”
At Mindful Education we believe that this initiative is demonstrative of the growing importance and invaluable contribution that apprenticeships are making to our future workforce, and we are excited to see the opportunities that it will open up to apprentices working across a variety of industries.
Find out more about the post-apprenticeship recognition scheme here.