Guest speaker sessions

We are excited to announce that we will be offering a series of Guest Speaker sessions to AAT tutors and learners across the 2024/25 academic year. Based on inputs and discussions with our partners, these new sessions will be delivered by a member of the Mindful Education team as part of our support for curriculum teams.
Sessions for tutors
Our team will walk tutors through the most recent Chief Examiner report. The session will cover the most recent report, highlighting key areas of interest and looking at how the VLE can address any challenges raised.
Sessions for learners
There are a number of sessions available for AAT learners focusing on a range of topics from progression to preparing for the KNWA.
There will also be a taster session available for level 1 face-to-face learners who are looking to progress onto our AAT blended learning course.
Offered on a case-by-case basis these sessions can be tailored to the individual needs of a particular group. To find out more about these sessions, please get in touch with a member of our Curriculum and Quality Support team, or visit our Support for tutors page.